Tuesday, April 8, 2008

United Colors of Benetton

After seeing several prints ads from United Colors of Benetton in class one day, I was intrigued by this provocative style of advertising. This youtube clip features several of the print ads including a black woman breast feeding a white baby, a priest and a nun kissing, horses mating, tattoos of "HIV Positive" on male and female bodies, a newborn baby with the umbilical cord still attached, and a collage of genitals from various races. These ads are so fascinating because they do not have any clothing or various products anywhere in the ad. They deal with real life and are meant to make a statement. When someone sees these ads on the street or in a magazine, the context makes you step out of your programmed routine and pay attention to what is right in front of your face. Whether people like the ads or not is not the main concern of the company; no matter what people's reaction at least they are thinking and talking about United Colors of Benetton. 

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