Monday, April 7, 2008

Social Responsibility

After reading Morrison and Jelly Helm's articles on social responsibility, I realized how much advertising and the people behind this industry effect our culture. In Morrison's article, she talks about admiring people who take a stand for what they do and how they choose to live their lives. Kevin Tuerff of Enviromedia is one person that has greatly impacted her. The advertising industry needs more people like him being socially conscious in their jobs and everyday lives. In Jelly Helm's article, he analyzes how advertising is one of the main reasons our society is a over-consuming, capitalistic driven society today. Some advertising agencies and their clients are more concerned with making a large profit than how their product and their advertising will effect the public. If the client is not going to take the responsibility to be socially aware then it is up to the advertising world to change the image and reputation of their industry. 

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