Friday, May 2, 2008
As I'm writing my last blog, I think back over this semester and through this whole blog experience. When we were first assigned a creative blog, I was a little confused but still interested. It took me a while to just figure out the workings of the blog and how exactly to create one. Now it is like second nature. Blogs are a good way to express yourself and put your creative ideas out there for the world to see. Sometimes I enjoyed this blogging because I could express myself, but having to blog a lot at once can be a bit overwhelming. Maybe I will continue to blog in the future when I am inspired or get a creative idea. But for now I am done.
Last night I went to the Kanye West Glow in the Dark concert with Rihanna, N.E.R.D, and Lupe Fiasco. It was definitely the concert event of the year. This wasn't just a concert where the headliner was amazing but all of the opening acts are huge names as well. Kanye is one of the best artists in the music industry right now and for his performance he did not disappoint. Thirty of my friends took a party bus to the concert and several other SMU kids were there too. It was such a great way to end the school year with all my friends.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Dinner in the Sky
The latest thing in high class dining is "Dinner in the Sky". Dinner in the Sky is available all throughout Europe and in South Africa. A crane suspends the table and people 160 feet above the ground to enjoy a six course meal served by a chef and 3 waiters. The table can hold 22 people for a "small" price of $38,000 for a fabulous meal and the once and a lifetime experience. This is such a cool idea and something that I'm sure everyone would love to do. Time to bust out that piggy bank for dinner.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Is Dove really so good?
This commercial added on YouTube by is interesting because at first I thought it was going to be a different version of the Dove Self-Esteem Advertisements because they are modeled exactly the same. However, this ad is not pro-Dove at all. In the ad we watched in class with the beautiful little red-headed girl for Dove self-esteem, the advertisers and Dove are making Dove out to be a image conscious brand that has your best interest at heart. However, they are similar to other beauty companies in the fact that they are trying to get people's attention and still sell their product. This YouTube clip shows Indonesia rain forests being cut down to produce palm oil which goes into Dove products. This is a huge problem because the world is not being environmentally conscious about our depleting resources. Not only is this destroying the forests, but it is ruining the homes of animals in the rain forests. Basically this is changing the landscape of a nation and ruining these peoples' homeland. Something should be done to put a stop to it. In addition, I find it very interesting that used this tactic of advertising to situate its cause against Dove.
World's Oldest Person Turns 115!!!!!
On Sunday Edna Parker of Shelbyville, Indiana, will turn 115. Edna was born on April 20, 1893, and is recognized by Guinness World Records for being the oldest person in the world. She is known as a supercentenarian, which are people who have made it passed the 110 age mark. Scientist use supercentenarian's DNA to study the secret to longevity. Edna has definitely had a life full of longevity considered she has outlived most of her family members. Her husband died in 1938 of a heart attack and her 2 sons have passed away as well. Edna has had brushes with death but has survived them all to tell about later. It is unbelievable to live 115 years and the fact that she is in fairly good health is amazing. Edna has lived through so much in her lifetime, and much of it we only hear about through the history books.
Monday, April 28, 2008
These images are from PostSecret blog created by Frank Warren and I find them absolutely amazing and fascinating. Frank Warren has people mail in homemade postcard with a secret about themselves written on it as apart of an community art project. It is amazing to see what is on people's minds and see what secrets they have filling up inside of them.
Polygamy sect in Texas?
When news broke of this strange polygamy case in Texas, I was interested and a little creeped out all at the same time. After a 16-year-old girl called an abuse hotline claiming to being raped and beaten by her "spiritual husband" who is more than three times her age, police raided this polygamist sect's ranch in Eldorado, Texas, near San Angelo. Here at this ranch there were 53 girls aged 14-17, and 31 of the girls already have children or are pregnant. These girls are forced to "spiritually marry" older men when they are very young, and these older men have multiple wives. These girls have led a life of isolation and the large majority have never seen or heard of the outside world. When the police raided the ranch they took all of the women and children away. However, now the officials have taken the children away from their mothers and placed them in foster care. The women are outraged because they have never harmed there children, but the officials feel as if the women have placed their children in harms way by not standing up to the controlling men. I just cannot imagine the lives these people have led. These women and children look like they just stepped out of "Little House on the Prairie." They all wear long cotton dresses, boots, no makeup, and have long braided hair. They do not know any different, and they have lived like this for generations. I do not think it is right to take these children away from their mothers who love them and place them into the foster care system that could even be worse. I believe these mothers and children need to be together again just separated from the manipulative male forces in their lives. However, time will only tell what happens to these people.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Miley Drama
Lately Miley Cyrus has been in the news a lot for not being the perfect role model that she has always been known for. Several provocative pictures have come out on the internet and now Miley has posed for Vanity Fair. Famed photographer Annie Leibovitz took the pictures where Miley is topless wrapped in a blanket. The magazine has not even hit newsstands yet, but it has already caused a lot of problems. Miley issued a statement saying that she thought at the time the pictures were artsy, however now she is just embarrassed. Disney even said they thought Vanity Fair was just manipulating a young girl in order to sell more magazines. This is a big deal because Miley is only 15 years old, and to be posing topless is not okay. However, while watching this clip of Miley during the photo shoot, you can tell she is having a great time and is not embarrassed at all. Miley's parents are even there with her. Miley is one of the most famous teens in the world because of her hit Disney show Hannah Montana. That show is geared toward young girls who look up to Miley, and these photos could send the wrong message. However, I do feel for celebrities and people like Miley because they are in the spotlight constantly and do not get a private life. But when you choose to be in the entertainment business, being responsible for your actions as a role model are apart of it.
Ban on Cell Phones in Louisiana?
Recently I heard from my friends and family at home that Louisiana legislators are trying to pass a law that would ban the use of cell phones while driving all together. I understand that cell phones can be a distraction while driving, but I know I do not want to have to give up using my cell phone when in my car. Cell phones have become a huge part of our culture, and sometimes I believe that they have taken over. However, people spend so much time in their cars everyday that not being able to use a cell phone could also hinder them. People conduct business on their cell phones and talk to family, so not being able to use a cell phone while in a car so much would be inefficient. This is could be a good idea to help keep others safe, but I know people would not be happy and enforcing this law would be a big challenge as well.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
The Bachelor has gone Down Hill!!!!
As we all know The Bachelor is not intellectually stimulating but it is just a entertaining show to watch. I have watched The Bachelor for several years and I remember watching it even in junior high. However, tonight as I was watching The Bachelor with my friends I feel it got a little trashy. This episode was the fantasy date and the girls have the option to go back to the fantasy suite with the bachelor. The girls always go so that's not a real big surprise. But when one of the last girls named Chelsea went back to the suite she turned the heat up a bit. On most of the dates the girls just cuddle up with the guy and kiss a bit then the show is over. Chelsea, on the other hand, allows the cameras to come into a room while she takes off all of her clothes then slips on a see-through black dress for the bachelor, Matt. This has never happened on The Bachelor, and Chelsea wanted everyone in America to know that she is kind of a slut. This show comes on ABC at 8:00 so families and kids see this show. ABC has definitely completely changed the tone of the show with this last episode. I guess they are going by the philosophy that "Sex Sells."
How does he reach the peddles??
One night as I was watching TV, the news came on. The first story the news covered for that day was this interesting little clip. This 7-year-old boy steals his grandmother's SUV and drives it down several busy streets with his friend. In the process the little boy hits four cars and some mailboxes. Several of my friends were talking about this because they had seen it on YouTube, and they thought it was hilarious. They thought the fact that this little boy was trying to be so thug for a 7 year old was great. I basically just couldn't believe a 7-year-old would do this. I think I was in first grade when I was seven. How did this kid even reach the peddles? In addition, he wasn't remorseful or sorry at all. He just thought that maybe he should have his video games taking away for a weekend. He did not understand the magnitude of what he had actually done, and the fact that his grandmother was going to have to pay to have all of the cars fixed. Kids today are getting progressively worse, and I think that has a large part to do with TV, movies, video games, and music. They see all of these things through the media and think acting them out will be okay.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Addictive Show or Just Wrong?
The Moment of Truth is a fairly new TV show that is very controversial. This show puts people in the hot seat and asks them very tough questions about themselves and life in general. Before the show they are asked all sorts of questions and given a polygraph test. During the show they ask them these questions in front of their friends and family, and if the answer is truthful, they receive money. This women in the clip is the most controversial of all of the contestants so far. Lauren Cleri basically has lied, stolen, cheated on her husband, and wishes she was married to her ex-boyfriend. She would have received $100,000 if she had only agreed to walk away, however she wanted to gamble. When asked if she believed she was a good person, she said yes. The answer was False. Lauren ruined her life and walked away with no money. This show is definitely addictive but at what cost. Every episode it is ruining people's lives all in the pursuit of large sums of money. Money can make for a more comfortable lifestyle. However, is $100,000 enough to give up your marriage, friends, and family?
Sunday, April 20, 2008
5 ways to go Green
Attitudes and Attire
All throughout high school I was really involved in community service. Being involved and helping others is something that I really enjoyed. However, coming to college and dealing with my demanding schedule has left no time for community service until now. I recently started volunteering at Attitudes and Attire, which is an organization in Dallas that helps women with self-confidence and self-esteem issues. Most of these women are poor women who have very little education. They have been struggling with abuse, poverty, drugs and alcohol abuse, and unplanned pregnancies. This program teaches them how to feel good about themselves again and how to get back in the work force. In addition these women are given 3 suits and accessories within a 60 day period if they maintain a steady job. This program is a motivational fixture in these women's lives and they are so grateful for the help and support they are receiving. Being able to help these less fortunate women makes me feel like I have aided to the renewal of their lives.
The Hidden Parts of Dallas
Congo Street pictured here is only 7 miles away from SMU, and I bet very few of us have every even heard of it. For my anthropology class this semester one of our assignments was to do a tour of Dallas. We were given a list of 32 places throughout Dallas to find. Our class is about diversity in America so the main point was looking for diversity in our own city. Most of us live in this perfect bubble around campus and never even realize there is another world out there with violence and poverty. We saw important landmarks of Dallas but we mainly became familiar with the Mexican and African American areas of our city. Dallas is one of the most segregated cities in our country, and one really sees this when you go looking for it. The minorities are stuck in their enclaves throughout the city and we rarely interact with them. For example, we visited The Stewpot, a center for the homeless downtown, and it is located 2 blocks from Neiman Marcus. However, I seriously doubt very few of the Neiman's shoppers have ever interacted with Dallas's homeless community. Dallas seems to just want to forget about the poor and keep the upper middle class away from its less favored inhabitants. For example in 1936 when Fair Park was going through renovations, streets, such as Congo Street, were renamed these unique names to warn away white people from these dangerous areas. I found this very interesting but ridiculously close-minded.
Monday, April 14, 2008
The Baby with 2 Faces!!!
In India a baby was born with two duplicating faces on one head. This is a very rare condition know as craniofacial duplication. Lali, the extraordinary baby, has 2 noses, 2 mouths, 2 ears, and 4 eyes. She can eat from both of her mouths, and she opens all 4 eyes at once. Over 100 people have come to her village to see this wonder. They are worshipping her as the reincarnation of the Hindu goddess of valor, Durga, who was depicted with 3 eyes. Some people may look at this as a terrible birth defect, however, her parents are embracing their unique daughter as a miracle. In our world of conformity, people like Lali are seen as amazing creations.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
United Colors of Benetton
After seeing several prints ads from United Colors of Benetton in class one day, I was intrigued by this provocative style of advertising. This youtube clip features several of the print ads including a black woman breast feeding a white baby, a priest and a nun kissing, horses mating, tattoos of "HIV Positive" on male and female bodies, a newborn baby with the umbilical cord still attached, and a collage of genitals from various races. These ads are so fascinating because they do not have any clothing or various products anywhere in the ad. They deal with real life and are meant to make a statement. When someone sees these ads on the street or in a magazine, the context makes you step out of your programmed routine and pay attention to what is right in front of your face. Whether people like the ads or not is not the main concern of the company; no matter what people's reaction at least they are thinking and talking about United Colors of Benetton.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Social Responsibility
After reading Morrison and Jelly Helm's articles on social responsibility, I realized how much advertising and the people behind this industry effect our culture. In Morrison's article, she talks about admiring people who take a stand for what they do and how they choose to live their lives. Kevin Tuerff of Enviromedia is one person that has greatly impacted her. The advertising industry needs more people like him being socially conscious in their jobs and everyday lives. In Jelly Helm's article, he analyzes how advertising is one of the main reasons our society is a over-consuming, capitalistic driven society today. Some advertising agencies and their clients are more concerned with making a large profit than how their product and their advertising will effect the public. If the client is not going to take the responsibility to be socially aware then it is up to the advertising world to change the image and reputation of their industry.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Memories are a strange thing. Why do we remember some things but not others? As I look over my childhood and think about everything that took place, I find it intriguing as to what is embedded in my memory. For example, I remember very strange things. I can tell you every person's birthday and phone number from my grade in elementary school. I have not seen any of these people in years and the to think "Oh today is Sarah's birthday. We were friends in 2nd grade is just a bit weird." Also I remember what I was always wearing as well as everyone else. I know that I wore a blue jumper dress with red sandals on my first day of kindergarten and that my best friend Elizabeth wore a yellow polka dot dress. What is even weirder is that I remember almost drowning at my grandparent's house when I was three years old. I was wearing a yellow bathing suit with blue fish, and I told my mom that I was just going to put my feet in the water. The phone rang so she went inside to answer it. I was a little mischievous so I thought I could swim without anyone's help. I jumped into the deep end and went straight to the bottom. I seriously remember just looking up at the top of the water wondering how I was going to get out of this situation. My mom came back outside and I was no where to be found. Since I am still here today, you all can guess she saved me. I was very young and remember this. Maybe I remember this because it was a little traumatized. However, your memory is such a cool thing. It's like a scrapbook in your mind that you can always hold on to.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Okay so I know that this may seem crazy or maybe just plain stupid, but I really want to go skydiving. I have been wanting to do it for years now but have just never gotten around to it. The thrill of jumping out of a plane takes so much courage and free falling would be such a rush. These people in this picture seem like they are having the time of their lives, and they just seem free without any worries. Hopefully, this dream will come true, but I definitely will be strapped to a pro and he/she will have to push me out of the plane because I probably won't do it otherwise.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Sugar Overload!!!!
So the other day I went to Sprinkles Cupcakes. All I wanted was one black & white cupcake because I had been craving one. However, the line was a mile long, and I had not seen the line like that since Sprinkles opened this time last year. The reason this was taking so much time was because people were taking shots of icing. Really? Who does that? First of all I think that is disgusting. Second of all that is definitely not helping our culture's obesity problem. Sprinkles is amazing and bad enough for you, but now they are giving away shots of icing. It's just sugar overload in a cup..Healthy!!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Worst Foods in America!! posted some of the worst foods in America recently. It was shocking to discover how bad these foods were and how many calories they contained.
1. The worst fast food chicken meal was McDonald's Chicken Selects at 830 calories.
2. The worst kid's meal was Macaroni Grill's Double Macaroni 'N' Cheese at 1,210 calories.
3. The worst food in America was Outback's cheese fries at 2,900 calories.
More helpful knowledge:
A chicken caesar salad contains 900 calories and a granola bar contains 200 calories.
Actually seeing these hard facts is eye-opening. I cannot believe how bad these foods are for your health. Also I can't believe a restaurant would serve a kid's meal that contains 1,210 calories to a child. That is irresponsible and a factor in childhood obesity today. Everyone eats poorly at some point in their lives, but at some point we all have to take responsibility for our own health and well being and make a conscious effort to change.
Monday, March 10, 2008
I just can't stop laughing!
YouTube is one of the most entertaining aspects of the Internet today. Even though most of YouTube is aimed at making fun of someone, it is extremely hard not to laugh. This clip from Paris Fashion Week is unbelievable. The model in the pink skirt obviously has some sort of problem. I feel bad for her because she is having a hard time but you would think she should have the walking thing down considering she is a professional model. Be sure to keep an eye on her ankles. Enjoy!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Everything I love or Find Inspiration From
1. Sunflowers
2. Sunsets
3. Thunderstorms
4. Hippies
5. Music Festivals
6. CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
7. Tie-Dye
8. The beach
9. Andy Warhol
10. Edgar Degas
11. Ice cream sandwiches
12. Hot dogs
13. Crayons
14. Laying out
15. Travelling
16. Ice Tea
17. LSU football
18. SMU (not for its football)
19. Water color
20. The Lake
21. Capri
22. Crawfish
23. Sidewalk chalk
24. Barney's
25. Friendships
Monday, March 3, 2008
Okay so this song called "Change" by Tracy Chapman is one of my all time favorites. Tracy Chapman sings with passion that comes straight from the soul. Her songs always make me really question life and the way people live it. Life is all about hard choices and difficult situations. This song is about change and it made me wonder what makes people change. As Chapman says "How bad, how good does it need to get?" or "If you knew you were going to die today" would you change? To be honest with you I don't really think I would change a single thing I was doing in my life if I knew when I was going to die. Life is about living freely and spontaneously. I don't want to plan everything out. However sometimes change is necessary and I wonder what is everyone's breaking point or rock bottom. For everyone it is different but for a life altering change something monumental normally happens to trigger it.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
How do you define it?
Beauty that is. Everyone has a different definition for what is beautiful and perfect. Our culture is so critical of outward appearance but how can anyone judge? Everyone has there own opinion and it will never be exactly like the next person. Some people think blonde hair blue eyed people are the true meter of beauty however I believe tan brunettes are the definition of classic beauty. But in reality, everyone has their own unique look that appeals to someone. Beauty is self-confidence. Once our society figures out that we cannot have a certain measure of beauty for everyone to uphold, then there might be less body issues throughout the world.
London-Here we come!!
Today I got my official acceptance letter to SMU-in-London this summer. I am so excited to be spending the summer in one of the most fascinating cities in the world. I have been all over Europe, and London is definitely one of my favorite places. Being an advertising minor, I am so ready to learn about international advertising and visit different advertising agencies in London to see first hand how the business works. Since a lot of my best friends are going to London also, we will definitely be using our free time wisely by touring all over Europe. This summer is going to be an incredible experience and one that I will never forget.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
My SMU Family
Family is a huge part of my life and coming to SMU I knew I would be leaving mine for most of the year. However I was determined to go into college with an open mind and make life long friendships. I have made friendships here that I know will last my a lifetime. I know that sounds cheesy but it is really true. This picture is of me and some of my best friends from spring break last year. We all became friends at the beginning of freshman year and we have all still remained close. These girls have always been there for me through some pretty hard times in my life and I know that our bonds will stay strong even after college. Coming to college, I got to pick my new family away from home and they have made me a happier and better person.
Monday, February 25, 2008
The Dallas Aquarium
So I have been living in Dallas for almost two years, and I feel like I have not really seen what Dallas has to offer. Yea I have seen all the Park Cities has to offer and the bar scene, but when I moved to Dallas I wanted to experience all of it. The Dallas Aquarium is one attractions that I really want to see before I leave SMU. I have always loved animals and doing different activities. Whenever I am able to spend time with my dad, we enjoy doing fun or adventurous things. So when he comes for dad's weekend in April, I will definitely have to fit this in.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Fabulous Fashion at the Oscars!
The Oscars have finally arrived and the fashion did not disappoint. Everyone loves award shows but it is really all about what are the stars wearing. This year dresses were very dramatic but still classic and red was a huge color. My favorite two dresses were Heidi Klum's stunning red gown and Penelope Cruz's dramatic black dress. They both looked absolutely flawless. Neither of these women had a film being nominated however they definitely made a name for themselves.
I heart Hot Dogs!!!
I know not everyone likes hot dogs but I kind of have a small obsession. Hot dogs are an all-American food that I have grown up loving. All of my friends think it is funny how much I love hot dogs, but now they are just as obsessed as I am. Before I wrote this I did a little research on my favorite food, and I found out that National Hot Dog Day is July 21. My birthday is July 23 and actually I was supposed to be born on July 21. I think it's fate.
Intertextuality is everywhere! When I came across this commercial on YouTube for the Apple iPhone, I saw vertical intertextuality throughout the whole clip. In this clip, Apple uses celebrities from different genres of film and television answering the telephone. At the beginning Lucille Ball in "I Love Lucy" answers the phone spanning through a multitude of characters such as Robert Redford, Cameron Diaz, to Carrie Bradshaw in "Sex and the City", to Ben Stiller in "Zoolander" and finally ending with "The Incredibles." Even when the product is finally shown, the background of the iPhone even resembles Nemo from "Finding Nemo." When watching this commercial, one automatically associates this clip with each movie star, movie, or televison show that appears. Also, this clip shows the evolution of the telephone as well as our culture through the decades of film history showcased.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Why the fuss?
When it comes to alcohol the rest of the world has the right idea. The majority of the world does not have a legal drinking age and the purchasing age of alcohol is 18. When you go to Europe or Mexico, it is okay to have a drink with your friends or family. In Europe families have wine with every meal, and friends meet up at local pubs for a beer to catch up. To the rest of the world this just doesn't seem out-of-the-ordinary. Growing up in the United States, everyone knows that the drinking and purchasing age of alcohol is 21. Some people in our country get married before they are 21. Does that mean no alcohol at the wedding? I just think this is absurd. Kids today are sneaking their parent's alcohol, getting older people to buy it for them, or buying fake i.d.'s. If it were accustomed in our country to have a glass of wine with dinner while growing up then I believe kids wouldn't think drinking was that big of a deal. It is because we have been told for so long that we can't have alcohol that kids want it more. I just feel that we have a much bigger problem with underage drinking and drunk driving than anywhere else in the world and maybe we could learn something from the rest of the world.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The Obama/Hillary Face-off
Things are definitely heating up in the race for the Democratic nomination. Earlier in the week Hillary Clinton criticized Obama for plagarizing part of his speech in Wisconsin. Apparently he took a sentence from Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick 2006 speech and failed to give credit to Patrick. Hillary criticized Obama by saying, "If your whole candidacy is about words, they should be your own." However Obama did not seem to think her claim was a big deal and I guess the American people did not either considering he is on a 10 straight winning streak. However, today in Dallas Obama gave a speech to 17,000 people at Reunion Arena making some jabs at Hillary. Obama said, "Today Senator Clinton told us there is a choice in this race, and I couldn't agree with her more." "But contrary to what she was saying it's not a choice between speeches and solutions. It's a choice between the politics of divisions and distractions that did not work in South Carolina, that did not work in Wisconsin, and that will not work in Texas or a new politics of common sense, of common purpose, shared sacrifices, shared prosperity." Both candidates are controversial and it will be interesting to see how this all plays out. Texas will definitely be a defining moment in this campaign and each of the candidates' careers. It's the make-or-break point.
Fidel Castro finally steps down
Finally after 49 years as Cuba's cruel dictator, Fidel Castro has stepped down. Fidel,who is 81 years old, has been suffering from a stomach illness that has left him unable to continue his duties. Fidel gave a statement saying, "I neither will aspire to nor will I accept the position of president of the Council of State and Commander-in-Chief." This may seem like a period of joy and happiness for the people of Cuba, who have lived such an oppressed life, but the power has only been turned over to Fidel's younger brother Raul. This most likely means that no drastic political change will take place and the people of Cuba will still be faced with the same harsh realities. When I was only in sixth grade, one of my teachers was of Cuban heritage. Both of her parents had left Cuba for America because of Fidel Castro. Fidel had complete control over every aspect of the government and military, and the people of Cuba were like prisoners. She always said how she would love to see Cuba, however as long as Fidel Castro was in power that just would not be an option. I wonder if now she will be able to visit her home country or since the Castro family is still in power that will not be an option.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Dedman is the place to be!
Dedman is the popular place to be on campus right now. Just take a stroll through the gym and you will see everyone you know. There will not be a tread mill or elliptical available. The main reason for this sudden change is spring is just around the corner and so is spring break. Most SMU students go to a warmer climate such as Playa or Cabo, both in Mexico, for their week long vacation. Therefore being in shape is extremely important considering everyone will be in swim suits all day. Everyone feels that they have some problem area and they don't want to be overly self-conscious in front of their peers. So everyone is hitting the gym for some intense workout sessions before spring break, however everyone will most likely gain a little weight back with all the partying done on spring break.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Trust is the Key to Life
Happiness comes from the joys of life and the relationships that transform you. Trust is an aspect of life that you cannot escape. Trust is not just something that comes naturally; it is acquired through time and patience. Trust must be earned and for many trust is a very scary and risky thing. Throughout life things may happen to ruin the trust you share with another person. Sometimes that trust can be earned back and sometimes it cannot be. However I am a firm believer in the fact that time heals everything. The walls that have been built up to protect one's heart and soul need to come down in order to lead a life without regret.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Airport Hell
Empty! This is a perfect picture for what I experienced tonight. So I travelled home this weekend for a Mardi Gras Ball and when I return to the lovely DFW airport I had no luggage. I even preceded to wait around on the next plane. Once again no luggage. I have done a lot of traveling to different school throughout the south this year to visit my friends and this always happens. I can't decide if I am just the lucky one chosen each time or if airports are just incapable of doing their job. I might be a little bitter right now as I am home now with none of my personal belongings, but it is a little bit comical at how bad my luck really is.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
V-Day---A Guy's Worst Nightmare
February 14! I feel like it's a girl's dream day, and complete hell for every guy on the planet. Guys dread this day more than any other day of the year. They know if they have a girlfriend or wife they better have something for her. However it can't just be anything! That gift better be good. Some girls are easy to please and just want pretty flowers or candy to know you care. Then on the other hand some girls want diamonds, an expensive dinner, and champagne. Poor guys! However guys want things too. According to, the things guys really want are silence, a get out of jail free card, an outfit worn for him, less makeup on their girlfriends, booze, and fantasy sex. To be honest, none of this surprises me. I just think it's so funny that guys want silence. I love it!
Work it Pearl!!
This clip from called "The Landlord" could possibly be the funniest thing I have ever seen. I have always been a huge fan of Will Ferrell, and when I saw this video I was instantly obsessed. The little girl in this video is Pearl, a Hollywood film director's daughter. She is adorable as well as smart. At such a young age, Pearl has a large personality, and I believe she is the main reason for the video's huge success. Some people may view this video negatively because she is a toddler who is cursing and referring to alcohol, however I doubt Pearl will even remember doing this clip. I don't believe by doing this video Pearl has been caused any harm, and in addition she has become famous around the world for her hilarious and adorable antics.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The iPhone & Facebook Revolution
The iPhone has started a new revolution in the technology industry. Ever sine the iPhone dropped in stores about six months ago, it has been in high demand because it is one of a kind in its field. The possibilities are endless when it comes to this fascinating toy. You can cruise the internet, listen to your iPod, or actually talk on the phone. Imagine that. In this commercial Apple is gearing the iPhone to the Facebook user. Facebook is a huge part of young people's lives right now and appealing to the public through Facebook is a very smart idea. I know how much time my friends as well as myself spend on Facebook, and it is really kind of embarrassing.We are all wasting our time each day by logging on to Facebook but it has become addicting. The iPhone's draw is that with this amazing product you can be Facebook anytime or anyplace. In our fast-paced society when we are not always at a computer, this is great. However since I now have an iPhone, the procrastination has only gotten worse.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
What's Really Killing America
Obesity! This has become a huge problem in our country today. Just look at these two young children. They are both so big for their age, and I just sit back in amazement and wonder how something like this happens. Today in the U.S., obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death. According to statistics 127 million adults are overweight and 60 million adults are obese. In addition 15% of children and teens are obese. These numbers are huge and every year the numbers are increasing. Lack of physical activity, hormones, heredity, and bad eating habits can all lead to obesity. However in our success-driven society where people work long hours, lack of physical activity and bad eating habit are very likely. On the other hand, obesity in children just should not be happening. Parents should not put their children at risk for health problems. They should make sure they are not eating fast food every meal of the day and that they are getting in some activities other than video games. In the U.S. each year about 400,000 deaths occur because of health problems that arise from poor diets and lack of physical activity. Having this small bit of knowledge on this subject makes me want to improve my own health and I hope that eventually our society will feel the same way.
Monday, February 11, 2008
The Writer's Strike is Over!!!!!!!!!!
The Writer's Strike is finally over! People around the country have been waiting for months for their favorite tv shows to return and now it's that time. However just because the strike is over does not mean that tv shows will be back on air tomorrow. It will take the writers several weeks or even a month to get episodes scripted and ready for the public to see. The writer's strike has upset viewers and taken a toll on many tv programs. The shows that have had the biggest setbacks are "The Colbert Report" and "The Daily Show." These two shows are two of my favorites and being in the middle of election season without writers has been a huge loss to them. However very soon everything will go back to normal and the loyal fans of shows like "Grey's Anatomy" , "Lost", and "Gossip Girl" will be able to breathe easy.
Herbie & Wino's Huge Night at the Grammys
Award Shows are always full of exciting and unexpected moments each year, and this year was no different. Troubled singer Amy Winehouse won five out of the six grammy awards that she was nominated for. Her song "Rehab" this year was a huge hit and set the stage for her extremely successful album. However Amy Winehouse is a very controversial figure in the public because of her drug addiction which she is seeking treatment for in a London rehab. Some feel that by awarding Winehouse for her amazing album we are sending the wrong message and overlooking her problems. However, I believe she is an extremely talented artist who should be rewarded for her musical contributions to the world. On another note when it came time for Album of the Year Award, everyone was shocked when Herbie Hancock, a jazz musician, beat out Winehouse and Kanye West for the coveted honor. He won for his album "River: The Joni Letters" and this was the first time in 43 years that a jazz album won the Album of the Year. Congrats Herbie! I'm glad things were mixed up a bit.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Young Hollywood going to shit
When scanning across a section of magazines at a bookstore, celebrity gossip is everywhere. Our culture today wants to know everything about their favorite stars, so magazines like People and Us Weekly are in high demand. In the past couple of years, the stars of young Hollywood are increasingly becoming negative icons in the media. For example just this week, two of Hollywoods leading ladies entered Cirque Lodge in Utah to undergo treatment for various problems. Eva Mendes and Kirsten Dunst are both loved by the public and to hear they have a serious problems is hard to understand. Both actresses have always had a good reputation and are very talented in the film industry. It seems like every other day a celebrity that we have all loved at one point or another falls on hard times with drugs, alcohol, or an eating disorder. These are people who have an obligation to fans to be role models but they are falling short every time. The main question is why. Why do these young stars feel such a pressure to get involved in this lifestyle?
Life's A Party!
When we were assigned a Mindmap in our Creative class, I was interested and confused all at the same time. We were told to pick a main concept and let our minds wonder through endless ideas connecting each by branches. I spent a few days brainstorming ideas and I found myself constantly thinking about this mindmap; every word I heard would spark an idea. I finally came up with the idea "Life's a Party."I thought this would be a fun topic that I could become interested in as well as cover a broad range of topics. The sub-topics I chose were political party, the wedding party, and social party. The truly fascinating aspect of this project was how connected everything in our world really is and how the brain can wonder when allowed to be creative.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Youtube is one of the funniest and most entertaining aspects of the Internet today. This clip "Charlie bit me" is one of the most popular videos on Youtube and loved by everyone I know. The video has two British brothers in it who find it amusing to bite one another. Both of the little boys have hilarious personalities that have made them famous around the world.
The Craziness of Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras is right around the corner! When Mardi Gras comes to mind, most people envision New Orleans on Bourbon Street. They consider Mardi Gras to be a crazy time with drinking, nudity, floats, and beads. It definitely is all of those things but you can also have a laid back time as well. Being from Louisiana it is an exciting time to go home and have fun with friends and family. The purpose of Mardi Gras is to celebrate on Fat Tuesday before the fasting of lint begins on Ash Wednesday. However the majority of people that will be making the journey to Mardi Gras are just going for the experience that is famous around the world.
Heath Ledger's Untimely and Tragic Death
People around the world are mourning the death of Heath Ledger this past week. He was a young, talented, and devoted actor that had an impact on millions. Heath was found in his New York City apartment on January 22, 2007 unconscious by his housekeeper. When help finally arrived at his home, he was pronounced dead. I was shocked and confused by the news that day. He was such a beautiful, vibrant person at the age of 28. This is such a tragic event because he was so young and loved by many. By heart really goes out to his family and especially his adorable two year old daughter Matilda.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
My True Individuality
This piece of modern art really caught my attention. At first glance, I got a warm, vibrant, and dramatic feel that in a way reminded me of myself. I am a person that loves life and everything that comes along with it. Coming from a warm, crazy southern family, I have learned to embrace all life throws at you. From the drama and turmoil of living with two older brothers to the fun atmosphere of Louisiana, I have learned to be a strong but fun individual.
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