Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Is Dove really so good?

This commercial added on YouTube by is interesting because at first I thought it was going to be a different version of the Dove Self-Esteem Advertisements because they are modeled exactly the same. However, this ad is not pro-Dove at all. In the ad we watched in class with the beautiful little red-headed girl for Dove self-esteem, the advertisers and Dove are making Dove out to be a image conscious brand that has your best interest at heart. However, they are similar to other beauty companies in the fact that they are trying to get people's attention and still sell their product. This YouTube clip shows Indonesia rain forests being cut down to produce palm oil which goes into Dove products. This is a huge problem because the world is not being environmentally conscious about our depleting resources. Not only is this destroying the forests, but it is ruining the homes of animals in the rain forests. Basically this is changing the landscape of a nation and ruining these peoples' homeland. Something should be done to put a stop to it. In addition, I find it very interesting that used this tactic of advertising to situate its cause against Dove.

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