Obesity! This has become a huge problem in our country today. Just look at these two young children. They are both so big for their age, and I just sit back in amazement and wonder how something like this happens. Today in the U.S., obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death. According to statistics 127 million adults are overweight and 60 million adults are obese. In addition 15% of children and teens are obese. These numbers are huge and every year the numbers are increasing. Lack of physical activity, hormones, heredity, and bad eating habits can all lead to obesity. However in our success-driven society where people work long hours, lack of physical activity and bad eating habit are very likely. On the other hand, obesity in children just should not be happening. Parents should not put their children at risk for health problems. They should make sure they are not eating fast food every meal of the day and that they are getting in some activities other than video games. In the U.S. each year about 400,000 deaths occur because of health problems that arise from poor diets and lack of physical activity. Having this small bit of knowledge on this subject makes me want to improve my own health and I hope that eventually our society will feel the same way.
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