Memories are a strange thing. Why do we remember some things but not others? As I look over my childhood and think about everything that took place, I find it intriguing as to what is embedded in my memory. For example, I remember very strange things. I can tell you every person's birthday and phone number from my grade in elementary school. I have not seen any of these people in years and the to think "Oh today is Sarah's birthday. We were friends in 2nd grade is just a bit weird." Also I remember what I was always wearing as well as everyone else. I know that I wore a blue jumper dress with red sandals on my first day of kindergarten and that my best friend Elizabeth wore a yellow polka dot dress. What is even weirder is that I remember almost drowning at my grandparent's house when I was three years old. I was wearing a yellow bathing suit with blue fish, and I told my mom that I was just going to put my feet in the water. The phone rang so she went inside to answer it. I was a little mischievous so I thought I could swim without anyone's help. I jumped into the deep end and went straight to the bottom. I seriously remember just looking up at the top of the water wondering how I was going to get out of this situation. My mom came back outside and I was no where to be found. Since I am still here today, you all can guess she saved me. I was very young and remember this. Maybe I remember this because it was a little traumatized. However, your memory is such a cool thing. It's like a scrapbook in your mind that you can always hold on to.
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