Wednesday, February 27, 2008
How do you define it?
Beauty that is. Everyone has a different definition for what is beautiful and perfect. Our culture is so critical of outward appearance but how can anyone judge? Everyone has there own opinion and it will never be exactly like the next person. Some people think blonde hair blue eyed people are the true meter of beauty however I believe tan brunettes are the definition of classic beauty. But in reality, everyone has their own unique look that appeals to someone. Beauty is self-confidence. Once our society figures out that we cannot have a certain measure of beauty for everyone to uphold, then there might be less body issues throughout the world.
London-Here we come!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
My SMU Family

Monday, February 25, 2008
The Dallas Aquarium

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Fabulous Fashion at the Oscars!

I heart Hot Dogs!!!

I know not everyone likes hot dogs but I kind of have a small obsession. Hot dogs are an all-American food that I have grown up loving. All of my friends think it is funny how much I love hot dogs, but now they are just as obsessed as I am. Before I wrote this I did a little research on my favorite food, and I found out that National Hot Dog Day is July 21. My birthday is July 23 and actually I was supposed to be born on July 21. I think it's fate.
Intertextuality is everywhere! When I came across this commercial on YouTube for the Apple iPhone, I saw vertical intertextuality throughout the whole clip. In this clip, Apple uses celebrities from different genres of film and television answering the telephone. At the beginning Lucille Ball in "I Love Lucy" answers the phone spanning through a multitude of characters such as Robert Redford, Cameron Diaz, to Carrie Bradshaw in "Sex and the City", to Ben Stiller in "Zoolander" and finally ending with "The Incredibles." Even when the product is finally shown, the background of the iPhone even resembles Nemo from "Finding Nemo." When watching this commercial, one automatically associates this clip with each movie star, movie, or televison show that appears. Also, this clip shows the evolution of the telephone as well as our culture through the decades of film history showcased.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Why the fuss?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The Obama/Hillary Face-off

Fidel Castro finally steps down

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Dedman is the place to be!

Dedman is the popular place to be on campus right now. Just take a stroll through the gym and you will see everyone you know. There will not be a tread mill or elliptical available. The main reason for this sudden change is spring is just around the corner and so is spring break. Most SMU students go to a warmer climate such as Playa or Cabo, both in Mexico, for their week long vacation. Therefore being in shape is extremely important considering everyone will be in swim suits all day. Everyone feels that they have some problem area and they don't want to be overly self-conscious in front of their peers. So everyone is hitting the gym for some intense workout sessions before spring break, however everyone will most likely gain a little weight back with all the partying done on spring break.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Trust is the Key to Life

Sunday, February 17, 2008
Airport Hell

Thursday, February 14, 2008
V-Day---A Guy's Worst Nightmare

Work it Pearl!!
This clip from called "The Landlord" could possibly be the funniest thing I have ever seen. I have always been a huge fan of Will Ferrell, and when I saw this video I was instantly obsessed. The little girl in this video is Pearl, a Hollywood film director's daughter. She is adorable as well as smart. At such a young age, Pearl has a large personality, and I believe she is the main reason for the video's huge success. Some people may view this video negatively because she is a toddler who is cursing and referring to alcohol, however I doubt Pearl will even remember doing this clip. I don't believe by doing this video Pearl has been caused any harm, and in addition she has become famous around the world for her hilarious and adorable antics.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The iPhone & Facebook Revolution
The iPhone has started a new revolution in the technology industry. Ever sine the iPhone dropped in stores about six months ago, it has been in high demand because it is one of a kind in its field. The possibilities are endless when it comes to this fascinating toy. You can cruise the internet, listen to your iPod, or actually talk on the phone. Imagine that. In this commercial Apple is gearing the iPhone to the Facebook user. Facebook is a huge part of young people's lives right now and appealing to the public through Facebook is a very smart idea. I know how much time my friends as well as myself spend on Facebook, and it is really kind of embarrassing.We are all wasting our time each day by logging on to Facebook but it has become addicting. The iPhone's draw is that with this amazing product you can be Facebook anytime or anyplace. In our fast-paced society when we are not always at a computer, this is great. However since I now have an iPhone, the procrastination has only gotten worse.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
What's Really Killing America

Monday, February 11, 2008
The Writer's Strike is Over!!!!!!!!!!

Herbie & Wino's Huge Night at the Grammys

Thursday, February 7, 2008
Young Hollywood going to shit

Life's A Party!
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