When news broke of this strange polygamy case in Texas, I was interested and a little creeped out all at the same time. After a 16-year-old girl called an abuse hotline claiming to being raped and beaten by her "spiritual husband" who is more than three times her age, police raided this polygamist sect's ranch in Eldorado, Texas, near San Angelo. Here at this ranch there were 53 girls aged 14-17, and 31 of the girls already have children or are pregnant. These girls are forced to "spiritually marry" older men when they are very young, and these older men have multiple wives. These girls have led a life of isolation and the large majority have never seen or heard of the outside world. When the police raided the ranch they took all of the women and children away. However, now the officials have taken the children away from their mothers and placed them in foster care. The women are outraged because they have never harmed there children, but the officials feel as if the women have placed their children in harms way by not standing up to the controlling men. I just cannot imagine the lives these people have led. These women and children look like they just stepped out of "Little House on the Prairie." They all wear long cotton dresses, boots, no makeup, and have long braided hair. They do not know any different, and they have lived like this for generations. I do not think it is right to take these children away from their mothers who love them and place them into the foster care system that could even be worse. I believe these mothers and children need to be together again just separated from the manipulative male forces in their lives. However, time will only tell what happens to these people.